Our guests, the people we serve at New Hope, come to us for a variety of reasons. Each story, each individual and each family are unique and have various circumstances that have brought them to enter our doors.
Meet Nicole, she is a single Mom who, like many people, suddenly lost employment due to COVID-19. She is grateful for New Hope Ministries that she can shop for fresh and nutritious foods and personal care items for her and her son at a time when she does not have the means to do it by herself.
Our guests are so grateful for the love and support that New Hope provides. Thank you for helping to be that beacon of hope for those struggling right now.
And reverent thanks to almighty God for his steadfast love that truly endures forever!
When we first met Nadia, she needed a job to provide for herself and her four daughters. She attended one of our career fairs held on-site at New Hope Ministries. There, she had a chance to explore the different opportunities and talk with employers. To her surprise, she was offered a job by one of the companies on the spot! Nadia was thrilled to have employment, but was also concerned about how she would get back and forth to work without a reliable vehicle. Can you imagine the utter joy she experienced when she was blessed with a good-working Dodge Caravan from New Hope, made possible to her family through our car donation program? Many tears of thanks, joy, and excitement flowed that day in Nadia’s family.
“I am very thankful to New Hope and excited that I now have a full time job and a vehicle to get to work and the ability to take my daughters to their appointments. Thank you New Hope!”
“I just—I couldn’t do it anymore.”
We often hear these sincere words from those we serve at New Hope Ministries. When people hit rock bottom and have nowhere else to go.
Just before Christmas last week, New Hope announced our second round of emergency response funds for people struggling because of the impact of COVID-19. FOX 43 News visited New Hope to tell our story, and had the opportunity to talk with Tracy, a mom that we have been helping through the pandemic. Take a few moments to read her story here.
You are making a difference in the lives of the people we serve at New Hope, just like Tracy. Thank you for helping to re-write their stories into a happy ending.
Meet Richard.
He’s been been working with New Hope for over a year to get a new roof on his home. After much research, many referrals and constant cooperation – his new roof is on! With the help of the Planning Commission, and Helping Hands Ministry through one of our supporting churches, Richard and his family will sleep more soundly under the construction of a new roof! Praising God!
Sometimes things take time to accomplish, but we know all things are possible through God.