

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10

What Can I Do to Help?

Current Volunteers Information Center

Current Volunteer Needs

Holiday Events (Thanksgiving & Christmas)

I Want to Volunteer!

Group Volunteer Application

Our volunteers are amazing!!  Every year thousands of volunteers give hundreds of thousands of hours of time to support New Hope Ministries.  Some come in every day – some one time a week – some once a month. All the schedules are different based on their preference and we are grateful for every single one!

Did you know volunteering is good for you??  “Volunteer activities keep people moving and thinking at the same time. Research has found that volunteering among adults, age 60 and over, provided benefits to physical and mental health, and volunteers report better physical health than do non-volunteers. Research also has shown that volunteering leads to lower rates of depression and anxiety, especially for people 65 and older.”  Mayo Clinic Health System – 2021. 

Ramsdale, Karen and Kennedy, Denise West Shore
Mechanicsburg Len Caycomb volunteer

New Hope is thankful for the donations and support it receives from an array of individuals, churches, businesses and organizations. We work hard to be good stewards of the resources given to us by the community. In fact, 93% of all donations received go directly to guests through various programs. You can review New Hope’s profile on both GuideStar and Charity Navigator. We are a proud four star rated organization through Charity Navigator. In its fundraising activities, New Hope adheres to the Donor Bill of Rights and the AFP Code of Ethical Standards.

Click here to view our most recent Annual Report, access audited financials, Form 990s and to review our Donor Privacy Policy.

We are also a partner agency of the United Way of Adams County, United Way of York County and United Way of the Capital Region, so you can designate New Hope Ministries as the recipient of your contributions through those programs.

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